Monday, October 1, 2007


Sorry for the long delay. I wanted to wait to post until I had all of my recent tests back and had some news to report. I actually have some GREAT news to report, but I’ll get to that shortly. I finished my 12 weeks of chemo and actually endured pretty well. My hair has started growing again! It’s pretty funny looking…very fuzzy.

I went through another round of testing recently and have met with both my breast specialist and oncologist over the past few days. The chemo drug worked amazingly well and I am pleased to report that my breast tumor has been reduced dramatically. I am scheduled for a mastectomy at the end of October. To my surprise, my back tumors have also reduced to the point that oncologist says we don’t even have to do radiation. I think the power of prayer is an amazing thing!

Of course, friends and family also get some credit for my improvement. Not a day has gone by since my diagnosis that I haven’t heard from at least one family member or friend. I want to thank all of you for your love, support and kind words.

I will remain on various medicines forever, but what a surprise that my body responded so well to this first round of drugs. I couldn’t have ask for a better week!

We are leaving next week for NYC and Boston with our good friends, George and Sandy. I think it’ll be a celebratory trip and I can’t wait to have some fun! I’ll post all about it when we get back, so until then, thanks for your continued prayers. I couldn’t have done it without all of you!

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